Customer Testimonials

On this page we have included the many satisfied testimonials from our various customers. Over the past two years we have sold pens to a county judge in Virginia, to insurance company owners in the Southeast, as a gift for a solider in Iraq, to the president of Anderson University in South Carolina, and to Anderson University's Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff.

This list keeps growing. You can be next!

"I've given these pens as gifts to special friends and they have been delighted. It's a classy way to say thank you with a high quality, attractive product."

Dr. Evans P. Whitaker, President of Anderson University

"These guys take real pride in their creations and the pens are beautiful works of art. There are several varieties...all attention-grabbers."

Dr. J. Robert Cline, Vice President for Christian Life at Anderson University

"I have used these custom pens personally and liked them so much that I bought them for my entire staff for Christmas gifts. The high quality and uniqueness of the pens make them a great conversation piece."

Glenn Steen, President of Synteen Technical Fabrics

"Every Christmas, I struggle to find an appropriate present for my brother. I purchased a custom pen for him, and he was very pleased. The pens exhibit superb craftsmanship, and they are unique. They make the perfect gift for friends and family."

Dr. Daniel Mynatt, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences of Anderson University

"This pen not only serves well the basic function of a pen but also demonstrates what happens when materials and craftsmanship come together to produce a tool of high quality and eye-catching beauty. I highly recommend the pens for use for yourself and as gifts for others."

Bob Hanley, Vice President of Student Development of Anderson University

"These pens are absolutely beautiful and are such a unique gift for the people you love. The craftsmanship is exquisite!"

Becky Walker, Associate Campus Minister for Woman’s Ministry and Outreach/Events at Anderson University

"The pens are a very wonderful gift idea. Not only are they durable and easy to use but are high in quality. I gave them out as gifts and they were well received. I appreciate the hard work that went into each pen which made each one very unique."

Glendia Boon, Sole Proprietor of DEAFinately Taking Requests

"The pens that I bought for gifts, the people still rave about them. The work that was put in making them shows the durability and quality of the pen. Excellent customer service!!"

Larry Rath, ASL Sign Language Interpreter

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